We recently submitted for a HUD grant, and needed to identify specific areas of potential lead remediation risk in Rhode Island. This type of scoring analysis could have been done over a couple of days with our small research team. Using the 3-Layer Map function on the PolicyMap tool, we were able to identify where the risk level for lead met the grant criteria – in minutes rather than hours or days.
See how PolicyMap can help your organization.
RIHousing’s policy and research teams needed a way to track impact of their programs and investments against indicators of household income, housing stock, and changing housing costs. Rather than allocating days and expense of researcher time and GIS expertise, they sought a more efficient way to conduct spatial research and apply for grants. They also needed a way to succinctly and plainly communicate impacts of their work to Rhode Island’s state legislators. To advocate for affordable housing opportunity statewide, RIHousing needed to quickly illustrate where residents are feeling pressed by housing cost burdens, where housing stock is aging, and where previous RIHousing investment might be leveraged.